Monday, August 12, 2013

Friendship Bracelets

These handmade crafts are super easy to make and super fun to wear. Friendship bracelets are great projects for people of all ages.I found this book on how to make friendship bracelets at my favorite thrift store as gift for my daughter and this weekend we head out to the park,my daughter was so exited to start learning she was definitely into this,she learned very quick..I was very happy and proud of my kids every one try very hard and the results were amazing..


  1. OMG what a pretty bracelets. This is my first time to this site but my friend has told me about your work and you are very very good!
    Cheap Bracelets

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you Adina, I hope you came back again...

  4. So cute and nice post i like to see this here and i appreciated for you have done work i love it thank you! friendship bracelets
